video from workhouse

Great time at the Workhouse festival last weekend. Here is video of us playing  a section called Pulsar Pulsar (the radio star) from our new album (A short ride on the Arrow of Time) due for release in October 2015. Thanks to all who came and danced the night away with Rucksack Cinema projections across …

Arrow of Time live video

An excerpt from A short Ride on the Arrow of Time from the new Spaceheads album of the same name due in September – This version recorded live at our gig last weekend at Tuesdays Post. Stunning visuals, as ever, from Rucksack Cinema. This video is actually the end of our performance which came at …

Great gigs with Dislox!

Two great gigs supporting our old band Dislocation Dance in London and Manchester. We played mainly new tracks some of which may well appear on our new album. Thanks to all that came down. This one is called “brushes” for now – because Richard plays a frantic rhythm on brushes all the way through it. …